Sebastian Ruiz's Github repository for Data 150 at WIlliam and Mary
Sebastian Ruiz’s Github repository for Data 150 at WIlliam and Mary
My name is Sebastian, I was born in Lima, Peru, I enjoy videogames, and additionally, I have a strong debate background as I did debate for 6 years and won a national policy debate championship two years ago. I am a data science major because it is the marriage of my two loves: humanities and data and I believe that it can be used to do many great things incuding benefiting human development. I currently work as a reasearch assistant for the Transparent Development Footprints team at Aid Data and for the recently established Center for Latin American Deveopment at the Global Research Institute. I am looking forward to learning a lot this semester.
Human Development and Data Science Insight 1
Human Development and Data Science Insight 2