Sebastian Ruiz's Github repository for Data 150 at WIlliam and Mary
What is the difference between the 1st and 3rd world in Hans Rosling’s presentation in terms of preconceived notions and reality?
1st world countries tend to have smaller families and larger life expectancies. However, the 1st and 3rd world are not as different as many believe. As due to improvements in health and technology, although developing countries are in different positions, developing countries are catching up.
What appears to be a precursor of wealth and what type of endeavors are healthcare aand education?
Health and education are prerequisites to wealth. In order for one to have the freedom to pursue a job, one must be healthy. And being educated opens up the door to new opportunities. As rosling showed, countries with healthier people tended to have higher rates of development.
What does Amartya Sen mean by development?
Amatya Sen provides a more expansive view of development than merely examining GDP and life expectancy by characterizing it as having access to more freedoms such as the freedom to pursue education and the freedom to have good health.
What are some of the sources of unfreedoms that development requires being removed?
Some sources of unfreedom are a lack of wellbeing from tyranny, be it being under threat of persecution ordiscrimination, and the inability to be healthy.
Why is free and sustainable agency a major engine of development?
Freedom allows people to pursue wealth and to rais themselves up towards a better future.
How does Sen relate markets and freedom of speech?
The freedom of speech and the ability to enter markets is natural to human beings. Every one should have the freedom to boost themselves up and speak up against tyranny.
Who were Say and Malthus and what were their ideas and who do you think is ultimately right?
Malthus was an economist that said population growth is unsustainable and that society will ultimately collapse. Say was an economist that believed that fetrtility rates would lower as wealth increases. Malthus thought that fertility rates would stay up as long as there are resources to support it. However, as history has shown, as people get wealthier and more educated family size gets smaller so I belive that say was right.